Sunday, November 15, 2009

I have red hair, and I don't know what to do with it. Can some one help me?

I'm a guy, andI have red hair, and its kinda curly. I don't know what to do with it, Its a little long, and it just kinda goes every where, can some one help?

I have red hair, and I don't know what to do with it. Can some one help me?

Oh my gosh. I absolutely LOVE guys with red hair. Honestly, don't get rid of it. Please do not dye your hair; the world has enough asshole brunettes and bleach-blondes. Redheads are gorgeous (but only if it's your natural color, really). Maybe do something to style it so that you like the style better, but honestly red hair is so pretty. Don't try to do anything to it. Go to your local haircutters'/barber shop and ask them to trim it or maybe find someone who'd like to suggest a new style for you.

I have red hair, and I don't know what to do with it. Can some one help me?

I'm sorry to tell you that you have gingervitus and should off yourself to keep the rest of the gene-pool safe. Go back to Ireland. I do like the redheaded females though.

I have red hair, and I don't know what to do with it. Can some one help me?

I love red hair on guys!! (Soy i'm not being helpful...) But I love your hair...

I have red hair, and I don't know what to do with it. Can some one help me?

i love red hair, i wish i had it...

to control the everywhereness you can straighten it, or use anti frizz stuff.

I have red hair, and I don't know what to do with it. Can some one help me?

wow tht guy is mean.

try to dye it darker?

or red hair always looks better grown out.

maybe if its short cut it and gell the top.

I have red hair, and I don't know what to do with it. Can some one help me?

Cut it to a nice clean cut, and die it.. i dont know what you look like so i honestly can't tell you what color would look best.

I have red hair, and I don't know what to do with it. Can some one help me?

i love red and curly hair on guys....just put some mousse in it and be natural!

I have red hair, and I don't know what to do with it. Can some one help me?

A lot of people who have red hair, don't like it. But the people who don't have red hair, love red hair. Be proud of it. Red hair is the rage in Hollywood.

I have red hair, and I don't know what to do with it. Can some one help me?

Hello! I have blonde hair (sort of blonde, not much anymore, but used to be when I was younger) and it is wavy. I hate my hair, but I can do so much with it. I can straighten it, curl it, or dye it.

You can do a lot with your hair too. I recommend not to dye it though, because it will make your hair frizzy and after a few weeks, you'll be able to see your roots. I would tell you to cut it a little shorter, not like a buzz cut exactly, but how about this cut?

but a little longer, or that cut, depending on how much you want to change your hair. It'll give your hair much more style, and won't be frizzy and unmanageable.

If you want your hair to be the same length, but more manageable, then try rubing some gel into your red locks... It'll give it a stable placement when you are going around in your daily life.

If this doesn't work, I'm sorry. I hope this helps though... Good luck, and if you do not want a drastic cut, talk to a salon stylist or hair-cutter. She/he will tell you what to do and demonstrate how it is done...

I have red hair, and I don't know what to do with it. Can some one help me?

If you don't want to bother with all the trouble, just cut it short and use an anti-frizz serum to get some nice Greek-style curls. Or cut it really short with a hair cut that you can gel.Coming to school with a partial mowhawk with your hair color would make much more of a statement than black hair in a partial mowhawk. (by partial i mean a full head of hair combed up to look like a tiny mowhawk at the top.).

There are many things you can do with red hair, but if it's curly it gets frizzy, and hard to handle. You can dye it and straighten it and bother with all of that , but you'd have to do a thorough job, since I have never seen a red head highlight or straighten their curly hair ( i have seen straight haired ones do it). It always comes out looking strange when their roots start to grow in.

Besides, whats the fun of being red headed with black hair?

I have red hair, and I don't know what to do with it. Can some one help me?

Just keep it natural. Get your hair cut a little more often if it grows fast and to keep it in-shape. A nice neat haircut that keeps it close to your head should do the trick.

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