Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why call it red hair?

Why do they say it's red hair when it's not really red? It's orange!

Why call it red hair?

Because red is considered to be much prettier or more vibrant than orange is. Plus, when you see red doesn't your heart just race? Orange is probably too modest a color to really boldly stand out as red does.

I guess it's human nature to 'round up' to the next best thing. Like white and black, too extremes, it's much easier to observe and take in than the middle ground colors such as beige, gray or brown. But in doing this, it excludes a lot of the middle colors that are just as important as black and white or in this

Why call it red hair?

I AGREE!!!!!

Why call it red hair?

for the same reason white people aren't called peach or beige and black people aren't called mocha or brown or tan.

Why call it red hair?

I always wondered the same exact thing.

Why call it red hair?

yeah it is orange, but it's easier to say red, and easier to

Why call it red hair?

Hmm not sure? I've always referred to the color as ginger. Auburn is much more red than orange.When you get older your hair will darken it won't be as vibrant, perhaps this is why it is referred as red-head....? Redhead,ginger,carrot top what-ever it's still a very beautiful and unique color I think.

Why call it red hair?

well not all red hair is orange, some is just red-brown... i guess red is just esier. (i wish i had red hair!)

Why call it red hair?

because no one likes to think they have orange hair, my hair is darker than my avatars, i have redish brown hair not orange at all, so ther just put us orange and reds in one category

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