Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Any one have a red hair baby??

does any one have a red haired baby?? does ur's have an attitude. I have one and she is worse than i ever was and she is very well mannerd don't get away with anything i correct her. But boy o boy does she have an attitude. If i could dye her hair and get anther color with no attitude i'd do it. she is my princess. Does anyone have any stories about their red hair baby????

Any one have a red hair baby??

LOL OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy have I been there and am still doing that!! Two of my kids were born with red hair.... a boy and girl each and man oh man are they hand fulls. My son is now 15 and we are actually beginning to have some peace with him and my daughter is 6. Serious princess complex going on their!! It will get better, as evidenced by my son, but it is a long and troublesome journey. I wouldn't change their hair colors, although I understand where your coming from. Whats difficult in my case is that they both have MY attitudes and tempers..... LOL, that's why we clash so much. Good Luck my friend and hang in their. Just remember that everyday that you can say you put to bed as many kids as you gave birth to, is a good day!

Any one have a red hair baby??

my grandaughter has red curly hair with attitude

Any one have a red hair baby??

My hubby is a redhead and my mother in law insists he was the calmest, most easygoing baby and child ever. He's still like that to this day. I've heard redhead girls can be terrors, though....not sure if that truly has anything to do with the hair, but I've heard stories. Good luck!

Any one have a red hair baby??


Any one have a red hair baby??

I was a redhaired baby and was always very well behaved. Some redheads grow up somewhat bratty because people tend to treat them differently. They get attention by strangers while out in public etc.

Any one have a red hair baby??

I know a whole family of 5 that are red heads. Their hair is really bright red! They are all really well behaved and don't seem to have any more attitude issues than other children their age.

Any one have a red hair baby??

mines great

Any one have a red hair baby??

i had red hair when i was little but now it is brownish and stuff and i am 10

Any one have a red hair baby??

tehe I've yet to meet a baby that didn't have attitude at times. They are so cute and cuddly the rest of the time that we don't mind so much. My first wife had red hair and whenever she would be well ya know b- people would say well she is a red head. With other girls they didn't say well she is a brunette,blond, whatever. Kim had red hair and a temper but I have brown hair and a temper so I think it's a wash. Your baby is beautiful and she's an individual. dying her hair won't help. I'm picturing you trying to hold her still under the sink while your trying to scrub in the dye and I don't think she would be very happy. tehe

Any one have a red hair baby??

My daughter has red hair, not carrot top but more copper colored. She was such a good baby, I've been afraid to have another because I'm sure it will be a holy terror. Even as a 13 year old, she's not given me any trouble... yet.

Any one have a red hair baby??

My brothers both have red hair and my niece has red hair as well. My brothers were holy terrors growing up but my niece is sweet so far. She is only 2 though, so we'll see! She seems a little more feisty than my son, who is blonde.

(And yes, redheads are gorgeous babies!)

Any one have a red hair baby??

Oh, boy... Yeah, we had a red-head baby. My favorite story about her -- when she was about three we took her to the PTA meeting for her big sister's school. As the meeting was breaking up and all of us moms %26amp; dads were socializing, we kept an eye on all the younger sibs who were out in the play yard having fun.

After a few minutes we heard a horrific racket and looked out. My darling red-haired baby girl had got all the OTHER younger siblings (four or five all told) to crawl around one of the lunch tables on their hands and knees, growling and snarling, while she knelt on top of the table with her head thrown back, baying at the moon like the Queen of the Wolves.

Don't bother dying her hair, it's what's INSIDE that makes her a redhead.

Any one have a red hair baby??

my son is 3 months old his hair is red lie his father. He has a timper. lie his father too. When he wants fed he wants fed now. I also have 2 year old too. His hair is white. He dosent ahve a timper. lie his little brother. THere is difference between them.

Any one have a red hair baby??

no redheads are ugly

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