Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I have beautiful natural red hair. All my friends are highlighting, will it ruin my hair? will it lo

I still want to get those "oh! your hair is soooo pretty! i wish i had NATURAL red hair" comments. what should i do? I was thinking like, strawberry blonde

I have beautiful natural red hair. All my friends are highlighting, will it ruin my hair? will it look fake?

don't change it!

my best friend has red hair and she put blonde highlights in it and it looked horrible.

your lucky to have that color, keep it.

I have beautiful natural red hair. All my friends are highlighting, will it ruin my hair? will it look fake?

Try blonde highlights.. you're right, about a strawberry blonde color. Dyeing your hair or getting highlights can damage your hair.. don't do it too often. That IS so cool that your hair is naturally red!! Hope that helped!!

I have beautiful natural red hair. All my friends are highlighting, will it ruin my hair? will it look fake?

It depends on what colour highlights.If you put blonde ones in ... sory but sometimes they look grey in red hair...but if you wanna take the chance.I would leave it as it is.Don't just do it coz your friends are.

I have beautiful natural red hair. All my friends are highlighting, will it ruin my hair? will it look fake?

Natural Beautiful Red Hair is already prettier than all the highlighting your friends are doing, stay the way you are and let them ruin their hair, you rs will still be pretty.

I have beautiful natural red hair. All my friends are highlighting, will it ruin my hair? will it look fake?

omg..yes u should keep it..if u highlight ur hair just be sure u dont do too much!!..i luv red hair so dont do anything to make it look really fake..but it depends on what type of highlights u get..and how bright the shade is compared to your hair.

I have beautiful natural red hair. All my friends are highlighting, will it ruin my hair? will it look fake?

hmmm, if it's truly red, keep it real... its natural state is alot more attractive than if it's messed up w/

I have beautiful natural red hair. All my friends are highlighting, will it ruin my hair? will it look fake?

whats the wait try it you may even like it. but i dont like those girls that dye there hair. it just looks so fake. I have long brunet healthy hair and i get tons of comments on it. and i dont dye my hair

I have beautiful natural red hair. All my friends are highlighting, will it ruin my hair? will it look fake?

Leave it. Mine is the same and over the years natural highlights have grown in.

I have beautiful natural red hair. All my friends are highlighting, will it ruin my hair? will it look fake?

I would maybe get some strawberry blonde highlights that are a few shades lighter than your natural color. It wont damage your hair if you have a professional do it, and make sure they don't use bleach. The strawberry blonde will just give your hair that little bit of pop but won't detract from your natural red hair.

I have beautiful natural red hair. All my friends are highlighting, will it ruin my hair? will it look fake?

My hair's naturally red also, and three of my four sons have it. Everytime we shop, the women ooh and ahh over their hair. Of course they could care less, being guys, but still they get the attention!

I asked my hair stylist about highlighting my hair, and she said it already had enough variation in the color naturally. Your hair probably does too, that's why the light catches it and makes it so pretty. Let it speak for itself.

A consultation with a stylist about a fashionable new cut might be a better idea than highlighting. Any highlights contain peroxide or other bleaching agents, and will damage the hair shaft permanently. That changed hair won't have the glow and shine anymore.

I have beautiful natural red hair. All my friends are highlighting, will it ruin my hair? will it look fake?

i have natrually blonde hair.but over the years my hair has gotten a little darker. now its dirty blonde and i have all natrual highlights. if i were you i wouldn't in less it is a very light blonde. my friend has stawberry blonde hair and she got brownish highlights and it look totally fake. strawberry blonde would look very good though!!!

hope i could help 閳?br>I have beautiful natural red hair. All my friends are highlighting, will it ruin my hair? will it look fake?

If you have natural red hair.....LEAVE IT!! Red hair(that's natural) is SO pretty! My cousin has/had(?) natural red hair and put blonde highlights in looked horrible and fake and now her natural color turned into an orangey/blonde color instead of the beautiful/vibrant red she used to have. She really regrets highlighting if I were you, I wouldn't! Good luck and yes, you are lucky to have natural red hair!!:-)

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