Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

I always thought that my eyes and hair were commenly together but alot of people comment that theyve never seen a red head with blue eyes... is this true .. because all of the red heads i know have green and brown eyes.

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

Not uncommon

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

well actually i seen some people with red hair and blue eyes..

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

No, I've seen serveral women have blue eyes and red hair but it depends on ur skin colour too

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

Clear sign of a Vampire. No Kidding.

It is common

Not me though

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

I'm a blue eyed redhead. But most of the redheads I know (including all of them in my family) have green or hazel eyes. So I guess we're not too common! = D

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

I think it's a very beautiful combination.

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

Not uncommon at all,my daughter and my nephew have red hair and blue eyes,a lovely combination I think.

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

I actually think that it is quite common. Redheads are known for having fair skin and often enough fair skin comes with 'fair' eyes. When you have freckles or very light skin you are more sensitive to sunlight. This goes for the color of your eyes too; the lighter eye color the more sensitive to light they are.

Therefore it makes me think that this combination is not all that odd.

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

I am not exactly sure how uncommon/common it is but, I can tell you that my mother and her twin brother are both natural red heads with blue eyes.

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

No, not uncommon. Believe it or not, there are fewer brown eyed people in the world than blue, even though brown eyes is the dominant gene.... it all depends on the genes your parents carry, of course. I've seen red heads with blue eyes and red heads with brown eyes. Again, it all depends on genetics.

Hope I've helped :)

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

"Believe it or not, there are fewer brown eyed people in the world than blue"

Uh not true.

China and India have combined population of at least 3 billion. While Northern India has a higher percentage of blue/green eyes than the other parts of India, it's still not very much considering how large the population is.

So most of that 3 billion has brown eyes. And since mainly just the European countries have blue eyes, that certainly isn't more than the remaining 3+ billion.

So yeah I don't know where you got that.

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

My friend has red hair and blue eyes and she is told it is uncommon too.

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

Not uncommon, my grandfather had blue eyes/red hair, so did his father. I have many aunts, uncles and cousins with the same coloring. I have brown hair/blue eyes, and someone once told me that was unusual. It's not.

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

ive got blue eyes and red hair and i have never thought of it as being uncommon.

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

I have red hair with brown eyes and Ive seen more people with blues so I thought I was rare

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

Not at all.

Are blue eyes-red hair uncommen?

NO!! i have red hair and blue eyes i love it!

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