Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I dyed ny hair red and it turned orange what can i do to prevent this from happening next time?

red hair turned orange hair........ porducts i can use to prevent this from happening again

I dyed ny hair red and it turned orange what can i do to prevent this from happening next time?

The best advice I have is to use a color enhancing shampoo once in awhile in between visits to the colorist. It will give your hair a color boost and keep it looking the color you wanted.

I dyed ny hair red and it turned orange what can i do to prevent this from happening next time?

Your VERY best bet...a licensed cosmotologist....colorist....

I dyed ny hair red and it turned orange what can i do to prevent this from happening next time?

I've dyed my hair red twice- the second time because of the reason you stated in your question. The trick with red hair, is that you have to remember that every red hair color always gets a little brighter after you dye it. So what you have to do is dye your hair a little darker red (I did mine bordering on a reddish-brown, so that it looked a little less fiery and bright), and once you wash it, it will set in to a dark to medium red (depending on how dark you go with the dye), and not turn into an orange. Good luck!

I dyed ny hair red and it turned orange what can i do to prevent this from happening next time?

It's probably the manufacturers product that you are using. Try another manufacturer. They are all different.

Red dye in hair will not disappear. You might think it does but it will always be there until it grows out.

Warm Browns will also have red it in.

Try a different product.

I dyed ny hair red and it turned orange what can i do to prevent this from happening next time?

read the directions next time!!

I dyed ny hair red and it turned orange what can i do to prevent this from happening next time?

my guess would be that you previously had dyed or lightened your hair. When dying you hair from 1 color to another. You need to contact They will give you the correct formula to change your hair color.

you can also contact them now and they maybe able to fix it.

If you perfer you can spend the money to have it done perfesionally.

I dyed ny hair red and it turned orange what can i do to prevent this from happening next time?

two words- hair dresser

I dyed ny hair red and it turned orange what can i do to prevent this from happening next time?

bleaching your hair is a good idea and then put the color you want but it might demage your hair.

I dyed ny hair red and it turned orange what can i do to prevent this from happening next time?

a little advice to all is that red hair will always turn orange or a weird brown. the end it will unless you're a natural red head. you have to constantly keep dying it or there are some products that help the red stay on longer. I don't know where you are from but there is this salon called Visible Changes. They sell products for that. i hope i helped.

I dyed ny hair red and it turned orange what can i do to prevent this from happening next time?

well i have red hair and i dye my hair like every second week and it seems fine!

you might like to consider the brand you are using and the colour its self!if its a lighter red its more likely to fade the darker you go the longer it will last!

also try a colour lock shampoo and conditioner!

i use schwartzcopft ?lol...i don't know how to spell it: P

bu thtey have a great range newayz!and you can keep your hair dye and your products you use on it hte same!its great!!!!!

I dyed ny hair red and it turned orange what can i do to prevent this from happening next time?

neverr use 'prouducts' to dye ur hair colors. i have had BAD experiences with 'sun-in' and it was supossed 2 make my hair blonde and it turned it REDiSH-ORANGE! so instead of using 'products' go to a hair stylist and dye ur hair red.

I dyed ny hair red and it turned orange what can i do to prevent this from happening next time?

use kool-aid

I dyed ny hair red and it turned orange what can i do to prevent this from happening next time?

red color gives real color look on black %26amp; brown hai.But not suggested for other types.Better to use brown or burgandy.

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