Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How long does red hair dye last in brunette hair?

I have dark brown hair and I am looking to get red highlights in it, but I'm not sure how long it's going to last. Anyone know?

How long does red hair dye last in brunette hair?

It depends on how well your hair grabs the color, but it will not maintain it's original hue for long.

I think that red fades faster than any other color. My advice to you is to get them a shade or two darker than you originally planned on.

I have brunette hair and keep it an auburn color and it is pretty high maintenance.

Avoid using hot water when washing your hair, if you can wash your hair with cool or cold water that will help lock more color in, the heat pulls out alot of it. This is also true for heat styling so use a protectant spray before blow drying and curling/straightening.

OH and read the contents of your products. Many gels, mouses and hair sprays contain alcohol which also strips out your color.

Good luck!

How long does red hair dye last in brunette hair?

The red molecule is the smallest so it washes out of the hair shaft faster than any other color. When I do red high lights I tell my clients to use a color safe shampoo at home and to try and cut back on how often they wash their hair. To keep the vibrancy of the red. Eventually it does fade (anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks) but you can prevent it by doing those things. When it does fade I find that my clients are never up set b/c it fades into this pretty caramel color.

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